Sunday, January 31, 2010

TGG2010 - A Post Mortem Report

Firstly, I would like to congratulate Izan and her motley crew for making the TGG2010 a big success. Kudos to you guys (you know who you are). Izan and the gang have managed to set a new benchmark in the organisation of such an event. It is definitely a hard act to follow (this is not to deny the great work done by the crew who did the first TGG - Mail and your crew, you know I am referring to you). It would be a great if you guys could continue taking the lead in organising this event on an annual basis.

Okay..enough with that. Lets get down to business.

The Post Mortem Report


* Organisation was excellent. could have been better if the karaoke songs were pre-selected. The guy handling the songs appeared to be not prepared and slow in finding the songs. And please ban the singing of slow and sad songs! The committee should also consider having a Plan B next if the students' rep like Shaharudin had to abandon the event at the last minute.

* Total participation

The next TGG must encourage the participation of everybody and not just the usual suspects. I was a little bit bored because it is always the same person performing. I hope to see people like Yoda, Zul Boy, Minang, Shahrul Azizan or Sundarwati etc to step up to the plate.

* The selection of winners

Let selected KLPians choose and decide winners the next time. Take for example the choice of the best dressed male. I personally believe Hazizan was the best dressed male that night and if there was an award for best mix-matched dress male then Lanun probably would have been the winner. But he is definitely not the best dressed male last night. (Ridzuan pun nampak anggun malam tu!). As for Nor Laily...she looked glamourous and elegant and she deserved to win.

The running order

There appeared to be some moments of lull in the whole event, especially during the showcase and lucky draw sessions. The pace needs to be faster the next time.


Congratulations to all for making the TGG2010 a success. Izan and her team could not have done a job so wonderfully enjoyable if you guys -- the KLPians -- decided not to attend.

Thank you.


  1. Apa pun saya mengucaakan berbanyak terima kasih yang tak terhingga kepada pihak penganjur kerana dapat menyatukan kita kawan kawan KLP 80/81 pada malam itu.Dulu nak bercakap bebas terdapat sekatan seumpama sekatan papan playwood pemisah kita tetapi semalam menunjukan kematangan dan kedewasaan kita.Persahabatan yang dijalin dalam tempoh yang singkat iaitu 2 TAHUN boleh kekal hingga kini dan berharap berkekalan untuk selama lama nya.MALAM YANG TIDAK DAPAT DILUPAKAN......

  2. Thanks bro. Fully agree with you.

    Ridzuan pun nampak anggun??? Next time kita cancel the best dress lah dan kita gantikan dengan 'Lelaki dan Perempuan Yang Paling Anggun'.

    Perempuan mana pulak yang paling anggun pada malam tu??? Well...well...well..... cepat teka siapa. Kalau aku, dah tentulah aku pilih si 'dia', ko orang tentu tau siapa kan.

  3. Hi wayangsari...I'm kinda amazed cos I guess this is the first time I fully agreed with you !!(minus the part Ridzuan pun nampak anggun malam tu..) haha..since u realised my fingers are slimmer now...I won't be so hush on u kk..;-)

    My HONEST opinion, the event could have been better if the the music coordinator were more prepared. The opening gambit to me yang a bit slack memandangkan Dato' ade, our MCs dok ready atas stage, lagu pulak tak dak...
    Whatever it is I am not taking it negatively, I know how tak tido malam Izan to make sure everything runs smoothly...sure ade hiccups here and there, it's kinda normal...
    Bravo to the beautiful hall ....and I think our Omar deserves a standing ovation for such good and clear speech even as bidan terjun...that's really great bro!!!

    Last but not least....I enjoyed the whole night and wish malam itu masih panjang cos to me rasa masih tak puas bersembang, ramai lagi yang I tak sempat interview....

  4. Salam Semua,

    Secara jujur saya katakan bahawa memang saya sungguh terharu bertemu anda semua. Tak sangka kawan-kawan semua masih nampak muda walaupun usia kita semua telah meningkat. Gelagat anda semua memang menghiburkan. Saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Izan serta kawan2 yg membantu dlm persiapan TGG kali ini. Usaha anda semua amat saya hargai. Kalau pun ada kekurangan, itu perkara biasa coz nobody is perfect. Sekali lagi tahniah Izan!

    Ada rasa terkilan sikit kerana tak dapat jumpa kawan2 yg tidak hadir. May be next time!

  5. Oh Ya! saya terjumpa sesuatu dln goodybag..sehelai kertas tercatit senikata lagu oleh Mary Hopkins. Rasa terharu apabila menghayati rangkap seperti dibawah:-

    Those were the days my friend
    We'd thought they'd never end
    We'd sing and dance
    Forever and a day
    We'd live the life we choose
    We'd fight and never lose
    For we were young
    And sure to have our way...

    Masa yg berlalu tidak akan kembali lagi. Saya tetap akan mengingati Malam TGG itu. Terima kasih semua!

  6. Sincerely KUDOS to the TGG 2010 organizer. Thanks also goes to the respective donators and KLPians as a whole for making the reunion a success. Hope to have an annual event of such.

  7. tergamam kelu lidah tak terkata dpt duduk sebelah jejaka yg aku admire 29thn dulu.tapi ramai gak yg aku duduk sebelh mlm tu ridhuan.mail,daniel,lanun,tak kan diaorg kut.

  8. Terima kasih kepada semua yang hadir malam TGG tu...Memang best dan rasa puas hati jumpa rakan2 lama. Izan...dan rakan2 yang lain termasuk Mail, Razak, Laily,Danial,dan ramai lagi yang menjadi tulang belakang TGG ni anda semua adalah penggerak KLP 80/81. Tanpa anda semua mungkin masing-masing sudah tidak saling mengenali antara satu sama lain.

    Video clip Ridzuan mengenai yang dah pergi tu...menyentuh hati saya, kerana dua yang telah pergi pernah saya jumpa beberapa tahun lalu sebelum mereka dijemput Ilahi.Arwah Nan memang berhasrat nak adakan reunion macam ni, tapi dia pergi dulu. Arwah Kamarudzaman sempat bertemu kita tahun lepas dan itu adalah kenangan terakhir kita bersama arwah Kamarudzaman. Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat keatas roh rakan2 kita yang sudah pergi. Al Fatihan...Amin.


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